Compettions Golflife
Golf exams
Course 2 stars
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Course 5 stars
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1. When you are going to play a ball that is in green:
It can repair damage nails shoes
You can tell the caddy line, touching the ground with your finger or any other object
You can scratch or scrape the surface of the green
May remove loose impediments, provided they do not press anything down
2. If a person attending the flagstick and the ball hits the flag or the member:
Has two-stroke penalty on playing ball
Has two penalty strokes which serves the flag
There is no penalty for any hit and repeats
There is no penalty for either and the ball is played as it lies
3. If a ball at rest is moved by someone outside the game
There is no penalty and replenished
There is no penalty and where it is played
Where it is played with a penalty stroke
It is reset and a penalty stroke is added
4. If a ball at rest is moved by a competitor, his caddy or you caddie in stroke play ('Stroke-Play'):
A penalty stroke and replenished
There is no penalty and replenished
Where it will play without penalty
Two stroke penalty and replenished
5. If a ball at rest is moved by the player, his caddy or his equipment:
It replenishes without penalty
It is played as it lies with a penalty stroke
It is played as it lies without penalty
It is reset with a penalty stroke
6. If a ball in motion strikes the player, his caddy or his equipment:
Two stroke penalty and is played as it lies
It is played as it lies without penalty
The blow was repeated two strokes
Se repite el golpe, sin penalidad
7. In the stroke play ('Stroke-Play') a player kicks from green his ball hit another that was in the green:
The ball hit must replace it in its old site
The ball hitting where it is played
The player who has kicked two-stroke penalty
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